Saeheungnong Plug Nursery

'Cucumber young plants are sensitive to root damage. By using Growcoon we increase the transplant success rate because the roots stay protected.'

'People around me wondered why I use Growcoon. For me it was an innovation and a good investment. As time went by it showed its true value. When seedlings are sensitive, and cultivation days in the nursery are short Growcoon increases the transplant success rate of our seedlings.'

100% biodegradable
Natural microclimate
Unique fit
Choose your own substrate
Kang Hyung-soo
CEO of Saeheungnong Plug Nursery

'Growcoon shows an excellent performance in raising young cucumbers. We have a better vitality of the roots. Because of the fine spacing between Growcoon and the tray it offers better aeration in the rootzone. Roots are spread more evenly through the plug. It increases the reliability of our cucumber seedlings.'


How does Growcoon work?

Growcoon is a biodegradable growth and seed plug holder which is placed inside the propagation tray before the filling of substrate. Because of the open net structure, Growcoon protects and supports young plants for optimal growth. The unique shape makes it possible to fill Growcoons with crop specific substrate and can be filled loosely.

Combined with the perfect fit in the tray, Growcoon creates an optimal microclimate for root development. The net structure protects the rootzone and makes transplanting possible in an early stage without harming the roots.

Once the seedling is transplanted, the mission of Growcoon is completed. As the plant continues healthy development, Growcoon will slowly be biodegraded and will be converted into water and CO2.


About Saeheungnong Plug Nursery

Since the start in 2002 Saeheungnong Plug Nursery became a well-respected grower. With a production of more than 5 million young plants per year this South Korean nursery is one of the leading vegetable seedling growers of the country. Saeheungnong Plug Nursery specializes in vegetable seedlings such as peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants.

Kang Hyung-soo
CEO of Saeheungnong Plug Nursery

'We use Growcoon because it increases the transplant success rate. Cucumber crops are known to be sensitive to root damage. The net structure of Growcoon ensures that the substrate is kept together, and the roots stay protected. We can handle and transplant sooner and easier. Seedlings can be easily removed from the tray without harming the roots.'


Growcoon & Biodegradation

'The Growcoon possesses unique properties that ensure the plug is completely biodegradable. When in contact with substrate, Growcoons are biologically decomposed by micro-organisms such as fungi and bacteria. The Growcoon is gradually converted to water and C02. This leaves no toxic residue. This degradation process has been fully analyzed by TÜV, which has led to the obtaining of the OK Soil and OK Compost certificate.'


Growcoon & efficiency

Efficiency is important for every grower. Growcoon makes it possible to work more efficient. The Growcoons are stacked in a compact way. As a result, the cost of transport become very economical. With the use of the Growcoon Dispenser, all Growcoons will automatically be placed in trays. Moreover, transplanting becomes easier. During automation, the root ball remains intact, and the root zone is protected from damage. Growcoon even makes it possible to transplant at an earlier stage.

Sneller overplanten

Growcoon for leafy vegetables. Give your roots freedom!

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